A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: General (page 23 of 121)


1106? That’s the number of calories my FitLinxx computer thingy at the Y calculated my indoor cycling class workout burned today! 1106?

I wasn’t real sure about how a class thing would work. I was worried about keeping up with the pace. I was worried about what a dorky looking geek I’d be. I was worried about all that stuff. Turns out almost everyone else had the same thoughts. Well, except for that cyclist guy with the fancy little shoes!

Anyway, here’s what I discovered…

  • The group setting really keeps me encouraged and motivated. The guy next to me is an old not-quite-as-dumpy guy, and we managed to keep each other pedaling even when we felt like quitting.
  • The instructor challenges us, but she also understands we’re at different places and different paces.
  • Water bottles spill. And when they do, they make a mess. A slippery mess. Even if you’re not the one who spilled your water, you still get wet. And you laugh about it, help her clean it up, and go on about your business.
  • It’s not about fancy clothes or equipment. It’s about your attitude and your willingness to improve.
  • You can actually pray while you’re pedaling! In fact, God brings specific issues and people to your mind while you’re pedaling.
  • You can actually think while you’re pedaling! Being anchored to that seat gives you time to consider where you are, where you want to be, and what you need to do to get there.
  • Something you dreaded at first can become something you really can’t do without.

Oh, and did I mention I burned 1106 calories? 1106! I’ll take it!

Curt Gowdy, RIP…

Fox Sports is reporting that legendary baseball announcer Curt Gowdy has died, after a long bout with leukemia.

Before there was 24-hour sports coverage, before (and even after) superstations broadcast all of the home teams’ games, before ESPN, before any of that stuff, baseball meant the NBC Game of the Week on Saturday afternoons.

I occupied many afternoons listening to Curt Gowdy and his sidekicks, Tony Kubek and Joe Garagiola. He also was the voice of the Red Sox for a while and did stints at the Olympic Games over the years.

A legend, by all accounts…

Monday Stack o’ Stuff…

It’s time for another installment of The Stack o’ Stuff – random links I found on the way to somewhere else…smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em!

Don’t Waste Your Cancer…

Don’t Waste Your Cancer

Old hat by now for most of you, but I was challenged again today by John Piper’s words about cancer, and not wasting it. It goes for other “circumstances” in our lives, as well. If God really is sovereign, then there really are only two ways for anything – anything! – to happen in our lives: God either causes it to happen, or He allows it to happen.

Either way, He’s got our best interest – and His glory – in mind.

Don’t waste one minute of those circumstances. Get everything out of them God intends.

(NOTE: Especially to those friends and family members who may be reading this post and wondering, “Is there something you need to tell us about your, uh, physical condition?” I do not, to my knowledge, have cancer in any shape or form. I’m just posting something that challenged me today. Move along, nothing to see here…)

Today’s Graphic…

I wanted it to look like one of those old retro boxing posters.

On a side note, I walked into our senior adult group this morning, and asked if that picture was anyone in their group. One guy piped up and said, “No, because if it was me, I’d take the gloves off!” Whoa, big fella! Down, boy! Too funny…

Just Wondering…

I was following a discussion on a couple of other blogs, and it just got me thinking today…

Why is it that people who despise Christians, who want no part of being a Christian, and who have a serious problem with the teachings of Jesus, always want to dictate to Christians how Christians are supposed to act, think, and believe?

Why is that?

Happy Heart Day…

In more ways than you thought! Here are some of the highlights…
(NOTE: The following account contains a secret hidden message…it’s invisible.)

  • Deposited a great card and a special mix CD in the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie’s” car before she headed off to work this morning. (Put it this way…any mix CD that starts off with The Manhattans’ Shining Star, includes goodies like Josh Groban, Larry Graham, and Sinatra’s They Can’t Take That Away from Me is a super-duper way to start off a Valentine’s Day, don’t you think?)
  • Good, no, great! workout this morning at the Y! (The unexpected “heart day” thing!)
  • The “big scales” at the Y show that there’s 19 pounds less of me than there was at the first of the year! Woo hoo! (The unexpected “heart day” thing, part dos!)
  • Immediately after the workout, headed over to check my blood pressure. (Remember my comedian doctor was concerned about the bottom number?) Well…the bottom number is just about where she wanted it to be – and that was right after a long, pretty strong workout! (The unexpected “heart day” thing, part the third!)
  • Great breakfast with our senior adults!
  • Goodies for the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie!” (Including a very funny encounter with a lingerie saleswoman/grandma at Macy’s! Let’s just say I’ve got two valentines this year!)
  • Candles, roses, chocolate covered strawberries (that I made!)
  • Grilled salmon with with mustard dill sauce, ginger rice, asparagus with lemon butter (that I made!)
  • And the piece de resistance…raspberry vanilla cheesecake (that I also made!)

Hope your “heart day” was – still is! – a great day, too!