Any of you loyal readers (all two of you!) have the new book by Henry Cloud and John Townsend called It’s Not My Fault?
If you do, and you have a minute, could you send me the Table of Contents?
I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks!
A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis
Any of you loyal readers (all two of you!) have the new book by Henry Cloud and John Townsend called It’s Not My Fault?
If you do, and you have a minute, could you send me the Table of Contents?
I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks!
Got a really, really mixed bag on the ol’ Unwind tonight…
The latest edition of Runner’s World magazine has “101 Kicks in the Butt” – ideas to help you and me improve our time and performance on the road. The list includes several “playlists,” and I’ve got most of ’em going right now. For example…
Then there’s an assortment of Sheryl Crow’s stuff, like…
And for some reason, I’ve included…
And finally, some pretty rockin’ worship, from Kutless.
Go figure…it’s one of those nights!
Remember “Must-See TV?”
Well, flipping through the channels tonight, I think the new slogan ought to be “Must Have Missed It TV.” I guess I’m showing my old-cootness, or my lack of cool, or whatever, but there are some things on TV I just don’t get…
I’m sure there are other things on TV I just don’t get, but that list’ll have to do tonight.
Sometimes you just have those synchronicity kind of days, where it seems like Somebody’s trying to get your attention and tell you something important. I wonder if today may be shaping up to be one of those kind of days…
I’ve been pumped for a few days about hanging out with the cool kids today. Yep, I’ll be easy to spot…look for the old coot with a dazed and confused look on my face. Oh, and I won’t be in uniform (let the reader understand!). I do hope to soak up what God is doing in our world, and be challenged not to substitute dust for ashes (see the Jack London post below – or above – or however your reader lists them!)
Then, the aforementioned Jack London quote pops up in my Inbox.
Then, Roger does this to me. And does it again.
OK, bottom line…right now, at 5:53 a.m. on Thursday, March 29, 2007, sitting in the semi-darkness of my office, with a half-finished cup of coffee and my workout clothes and shoes on, and getting ready to walk out the door, I do not – I repeat, I do not – see myself suddenly becoming a church planter! I don’t think I have what it takes to do that! But…I am leaving open the possibility that God is going to do something astounding in my life today and beyond.
In fact, He already has…
This from Jack London…
You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
And speaking of Jack London, check out this Credo, believed to have been written – and believed and lived – by Jack London…
I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out
in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom
of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.
Just a few things on my mind, on my heart, in my Moleskine, on my screen, and in my backyard…
Isaiah 11:6 has these familiar words…
The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.
Well, in case there are any Daniels out there, my buddy Gary Lamb’s version of that scripture now reads…
Now, I’m no Belteshazzar, but personally, I think the Mad Babbler needs to lay off the caffeine or the sugar or the Willie Bros. or something! 🙂
…the lovely and gracious Grace Kelly (insert that Roy Orbison “Oh, Pretty Woman” throat noise right here!) and the suave and debonair Cary Grant are on Turner Classic Movies in the Hitchcock thriller To Catch a Thief!
In the mood for something a bit out of the mainstream for tonight’s Unwind. Still hooked on jazz, but tonight’s selection is from the great bassist Charles Mingus, and his classic Mingus Ah Um, released in 1959.
Lots of good stuff on the album, but the highlight for me, and the reason it’s tonight’s Unwind is the soulful “Goodbye Pork Pie Hat,” which was Mingus’s tribute to the late, great saxophonist Lester Young.
Saw this quote today…
Everybody now wants to be somebody big in the public eye, as if that itself could justify one’s existence and make it worthwhile being alive.
(via Notebookism)