A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: General (page 5 of 121)

Pastors as Walter Mitty…

Uh-oh…here’s what Wikipedia says about Walter Mitty

Walter Mitty is a fictional character in James Thurber’s short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, published in 1941. Mitty is a meek, mild man with a vivid fantasy life: in a few dozen paragraphs he imagines himself a wartime pilot, an emergency-room surgeon, and a devil-may-care killer. He has become such a standard for the role that his name appears in several dictionaries.

The character was played by Danny Kaye in the 1947 film version, and is scheduled to be played by Owen Wilson in a future film version. Thurber opposed the 1947 production, possibly because it trivialized a darker and more significant message underlying the text. It is possible to read the events in the story as the responses to the stress of reality by an aging man who is sliding into senescence. In the brief snatches of reality that punctuate Mitty’s fantasies we meet well-meaning but insensitive strangers who inadvertently rob Mitty of some of his remaining dignity. His wife is the only inhabitant of reality that we meet more than once. Thurber cleverly leads us into accepting her as a nag by giving Mitty’s fantasies a charming lightness and comic-book simplicity that disarms deeper scrutiny. On the other hand, her final appearance suggests that she is a woman struggling to cope as her role shifts from loving life-partner to care-giver as Mitty slowly slides into his second childhood.

What a Day!

What an absolutely gorgeous, wonderful early spring day in North Georgia! Here’s the way it looks from where I sit right now…

  • J.S. Bach’s Cantata No. 147 streaming on Musicmatch (Oh… Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Herr Bach!)
  • Open office window (The real window, not the software kind! Note: We’re usually too allergy-conscious and air-conditioning-dependent to have the windows open at our house. Shhh! I won’t tell if you won’t!)
  • Birds – lots of birds – just outside…better music than the Bach!
  • The blinds are gently swaying in the breeze
  • Cat in the window sill
  • Uncluttered desk (for a change and for a little while at least!)
  • Wind chimes
  • Half-finished cup of green tea

Wish you you could be here!

Nekkid Chicken…

The late, great Lewis Grizzard once differentiated between “naked” and “nekkid” like this…

“Naked” is when you have no clothes on. “Nekkid” is when you have no clothes on and you’re up to something.

Well, the chicken I just pulled off the grill is going to be “up to something” in just about an hour. It’s going to be on a plate with some grilled corn-on-the-cob-off-the-cob and some steamed green beans. Then it’s going to be “up to” my mouth with a fork.

Oh, why is it “nekkid” chicken? Because while I usually like my chicken with a little kick (cayenne, cumin, ancho chile powder, garlic, etc.) there just ain’t no substitute for chicken with nothing on but a little Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Nekkid, and mmmmmmm, good!

Come on over….if you get here in time, there’ll be plenty to go around!

And One More NC&D Post…

…for now, at least.

The NC&Ds had a problem with Jesus’ works of power and compassion, so who did they complain to? Themselves.
They had a problem with His choice of party compatriots, so who did they complain to? His disciples.
They had a problem with His disciples and their joie de vivre, so who did they complain to? Jesus Himself.

Notice, “the problem” was never with themselves and their own super-sanctified attitude. The problem was always something or somebody else, who didn’t match up to their standards or bow down to their authority. Again, hmmmm….

They’re Everywhere! They’re Everywhere!

More thoughts from Starbucks this morning…

From Luke 5

One day while Jesus was teaching, some Pharisees and teachers of religious law were sitting nearby. (It seemed that these men showed up from every village in all Galilee and Judea, as well as from Jerusalem.) And the Lord’s healing power was strongly with Jesus.

Seems like wherever Jesus was doing some great thing, the naysayers, critics, and detractors came out of the woodwork, just to sit around and naysay, criticize, and detract. Hmmm…

Some Thoughts from a Morning in Starbucks…

Spent a little time in my local Starbucks this morning, post-workout. Here are a few somewhat random thoughts that made it from The Book, to my mind and heart, then to my Moleskine, and now to you loyal readers (all both of you!)…

From Psalm 90
Me (Us) = dust! disappearing dream! dry, withering grass! NOT sovereign! open and accountable to God!

So…because He is eternal and has an eternal perspective on things, and because we are weak, powerless, and fleeting, because we are accountable and dependent on Him, we pray…

Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.

More from Psalm 90…

Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work.

I don’t think the prayer is for God to start doing His work again. He still is working! He still is doing amazing things! The problem, and that for which we pray, is that our sight is limited, so we can’t see the works. We don’t pray that God would get busy again doing God-stuff. We pray that He would restore our ability to see and discern that which He is already and always been doing.

Taps? No, Reveille…

I had a kind of difficult funeral yesterday afternoon. I usually do OK at funerals (boy, that looks weird!) but this one was going to be tough for some reason. I was looking for something else entirely when I came across Billy Graham’s remarks at Richard Nixon’s funeral in 1994.

Check this powerful story about Winston Churchill’s funeral…

Years ago, Winston Churchill planned his own funeral. And he did so with the hope of the resurrection and eternal life which he firmly believed in. And he instructed after the benediction that a bugler positioned high in the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral would play Taps, the universal signal that says the day is over.

But then came a very dramatic moment as Churchill had instructed. Another bugler was placed on the other side of the massive dome, and he played the notes of Reveille, the universal signal that a new day has dawned and it is time to arise. That was Churchill’s testimony that at the end of history, the last note will not be Taps, it’ll be Reveille. There is hope beyond the grave because Jesus Christ has opened the door to heaven for us by his death and resurrection.

I used that illustration in my funeral message, and it was powerful! You can bet I’ll chew on it for a long time, and more than likely, it’ll show up somewhere else between now and say, Easter.

Your mileage may vary…

Hello, My Name’s Charlie, and I’m a Guy…

Not just any guy, mind you, but a 100% red-blooded American guy. And that means I’m the cause of all the problems in the entire world. For that, I’m truly sorry.


Maybe that’ll satisfy the people this guy writes about in this article. Check the last three paragraphs…

Images of global destruction being more powerful than images of normalcy and stability, Gore and friends are bound to win the competition for people’s emotions. Hence, they are now deterring any analysis of the issue, by calling skeptics “global warming deniers,” a not very subtle comparison to neo-Nazis. If we succumb to this intimidation like a bunch of namby-pamby rice cake eaters, the debate will be lost for good.

Thus, the global warming movement seeks to repress guyhood in order to perpetuate itself. If a guy is shown a picture of a sad-looking polar bear adrift on an ice floe, his first thought will be something like, “I’ve heard that bear steaks are tough, but maybe if you marinated them in beer, they’d turn out all right.” At that point, the alarmists’ emotional ploy is foiled. In a world without guy stuff, however, his vacant mind may be invaded by irrationalities like, “Who will take care of the polar bears’ children?”

In this chicken-and-the-egg scenario, the success of the global warming movement is both the cause and effect of our society’s emasculation. It would have never gotten this far if the “Nineties Man” hadn’t paved the way. When “I feel your pain” became a successful presidential campaign slogan, we should have known that charcoal-grilled steaks would soon be on the endangered list.