A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Unwinds (page 2 of 8)

Sunday Night Unwind, 01.01.12…

Image via spicytec.com

Happy New Year to all my loyal readers – all two of you! Here are a couple of things on my mind as the first day of 2012 begins to wind down…

  • I preached from John 15 this morning, and I talked about the essentials we need for a truly successful and prosperous new year.
  • Above all else, we need a living and vital connection with Jesus. Most believers have plenty of information about Jesus and His teachings. Too many of us substitute knowing about Him for living connected to Him. That vital connection brings clarity to our lives, provides the difference between frustration and fruitfulness, empowers our prayers, and brings real joy,
  • We also need a vital connection to other people. Life is not a spectator sport. Don’t forget the command of Jesus to love one another is just as much a command as the Big Ten.
  • And we need a purpose and a plan to achieve it. Jesus called us and commands us to be fruitful by doing what God intends us to do.
  • By the way, the reason New Year’s resolutions don’t usually work is because we depend on our own effort and ability to make them happen. Jesus is clear that apart from Him, we are powerless to accomplish anything of lasting value.
  • We tried recording my message directly to digital today. I know, I know…old coot, behind the times and all that. I’m going to try my hand at editing that audio in a bit.
  • We are becoming Apple fanboys/fangirls at the Just Charlie hacienda. New iPads for the lovely and gracious Mrs. Charphar and The Boy. They were comparing the size of those little white Apple logo stickers yesterday. Sheesh! 🙂
  • BTW, I’m thinking of stealing one of their stickers and putting it over the Dell logo on my laptop. Not…
  • I interrupted this post to rescue a kitty. From the box springs. Don’t ask…
  • And aren’t pets supposed to lower your stress level?
  • For the past couple of years, I’ve read through John Piper’s Brothers, We Are Not Professionals in the month of January. Each chapter is short enough to use as a daily reading. You may not agree with everything  Piper writes, but this book serves a s a good reminder for those of us “in the ministry.”
  • Speaking of the iPad, it’s pretty cool and all, but right now, I really can’t see where it would replace my laptop. For this old coot, at least, it seems like a pretty expensive toy. Your mileage may vary. Of course, I might could come over to the Dark Side if someone dropped a  nifty 13″ MacBookPro in my hands!
  • Georgia Tech did it again in the Sun Bowl. It seems nobody snatches defeat from the jaws of victory like the Jackets. I can’t decide if they need to find someone to play defense or someone to coach defense.
  • It’s a sad day when the red cups go away at Starbucks.
  • The old grind starts back tomorrow.
  • The old grind is starting to really grind.
  • Next week, I’m starting a series on the challenges of growing older.
  • And with that, I’ve bored you long enough. Pandora’s Hillsong channel is providing the Sunday Night Unwind soundtrack.

Hope your 2012 is off to a great start. See you later!

Sunday Night Unwind, 05.02.10

In a jazz mood for tonight’s Unwind. The Bebop/Combo channel on Pandora is filling the bill quite nicely, thank you. At this moment, Stan Getz is playing a song called “Beatrice,” and it really is in that cool jazz mode.

Anyway, here’s what’s rolling around in my head and my heart, and dropping out on the keyboard…

  • Speaking of jazz, I would’ve enjoyed these guys at the Jazz Mass this morning!
  • And who knew Cartersville, Georgia has a live jazz place? Cartersville?!?! Get outta here!
  • Oh, and that bassist? yeah…he’s pretty much my musical hero!
  • Cartersville?!?!?
  • It was good to be back at The ‘Crest today, after a week away at Fusion Church.
  • I finished a series called “Running on Empty,” and talked about how we need to take the time to refuel and recharge in our walk with Jesus. I thought it was pretty good stuff!
  • Got to spend the afternoon with the lovely and gracious Mrs. Just Charlie and The Boy…a little lunch, a little clothes shopping, and little hanging out…a good time!
  • The Boy is hopefully winding down this this part of his academic journey soon.I really feel for newly-minted college graduates trying to find a real job in this economy.
  • Heard some disturbing new about one of our elderly members today that makes my blood boil! I’m not sure there’s anything we can do, but I sure am hacked off about it!
  • Getting back on track with my health and fitness again. It’s impossible to live today on what you did yesterday. Or four years ago.
  • I’m on the lookout for a new bag in which to carry my laptop and other assorted junk. I’m leaning toward the Timbuk2, although I haven’t really scoped out the specific model. If it’s good enough for Tony McCollum and Randy Bohlender, it’s good enough for me!
  • Yeah, yeah! I know…who’s got time to go to blogs anymore? That would be tonymccollum and rbohlender, respectively, thank you very much! Sheesh!
  • Dang! John Coltrane could play!
  • I’ve been a reader for as long as I can remember. This Kindle for the PC app has re-ignited a passion for reading though! I’ve just finished Peter Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, and Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson’s Rework, and I’m about to dive into Ben Arment’s Church in the Making, along with some classic Bonhoeffer and St. John of the Cross. How’s that for eclectic?

Well, this post that started out rather promisingly has now started to drag, so I’m going to quit, and read some, drink a cup of coffee, and get ready for the storm that’s on the way later tonight.

Sunday Night Unwind, 03.07.10…

Good evening, both of my loyal readers! Wait…there’s only one of you left! Anyway, here’s a long-overdue contribution to the old blog.

  • Hanging at home, with an iTunes Genius playlist fueled by the great Hillsong classic Mighty to Save. For some reason, that song never, ever gets old and tired to me.
  • The hanging at home thing is also powered by a French press full of Brazil Peaberry, one of my favorites from WeeklyRoast.
  • BTW…why aren’t you getting your coffee from my buddy Ken at WeeklyRoast? Well, why not?
  • I finished a series-within-a-series this morning on the parables of Jesus from Luke’s blog…uh…Gospel.
  • We looked at the familiar story of The Prodigal Son. No, not that one. The other one. The one that stayed around but was farther from home than his kid brother.
  • See, in the context of the story – see Luke 15:1-2 for the setup – the older son was the one that needed the dad to go find him. Even though he was right outside in the field.
  • Yeah, yeah…I know. We’ve always focused on the kid brother. It’s the twist that makes the story powerful, though. What twist?
  • I’m glad you asked!
  • Part 1 of the Lost and Found trilogy is about a shepherd with 100 sheep. One gets away. What does the shepherd do? He goes looking for the lost sheep. He expends energy. He does everything he can to find the lost sheep. And when he finds the little lamb, wandering in the wilderness, he loads it up on his shoulders and takes it home, rejoicing!
  • Part 2? A woman has ten coins, and somehow loses one. What does she do? She turns her house upside down trying to recover ten percent of her wealth. She expends energy. She does everything she can to find the lost coin. And when the coin turns up in the sofa cushion, she calls her neighbors for a little impromptu party! (I made up the part about the sofa cushion.)
  • Part 3 is the biggest chunk of the story. It’s about a man with two sons. The younger gets all uppity one day, says some horrible things about his dad, demands his share of the old man’s money, and splits! Get ready…here comes the twist.
  • Oh, wait…Third Day’s Your Love Oh Lord just kicked in on the iTunes playlist. Love those guys!
  • Where was I? Oh, the twist
  • What does the dad do in response to his immature brat of a kid taking his money, leaving for a far country, and blowing the whole wad on riotous living? Go ahead…I’ll wait while you tell me about the dad’s response…
  • Got it? Good! How far did the dad go to find the kid? How far was that again? If you said something like, “All the way to the far country,” or something like that, that would be a good guess. But it wouldn’t win the prize tonight!
  • The dad waited at home. Yep, he was there, everyday, watching, hoping, trusting. But he was waiting. And one day, the kid had come to his senses in the pigpen, and realized his need for his dad. He came home, and his dad was there, waiting for him. And the par-tay ensued!
  • What about the older son? He’s the one the dad had to look for. He’s the one the dad expended energy to find. The older son is the one that was far from the dad’s heart, and he was literally in the house the whole time!
  • And as far as we can tell from Luke’s careful reporting of the story, the older son still hasn’t dropped his resentment, self-centeredness, and superiority complex and joined the party!
  • Hmmm…how about that for a twist? And did you catch the connection to the setup? Yeah, I thought so…

Sunday Night Unwind, 10.18.09…

Hey, loyal readers…both of you! I’m unwinding tonight in Starbucks in Woodstock, Georgia. This is becoming a weekly ritual after long days. I’ve got the old iTunes kicked up , and I’m listening to a Genius mix based on Hillsong United’s great From the Inside Out.

Some things on my mind and in my heart tonight…

  • True confession time: Today was the first day in a long, long time I didn’t actually dread showing up at church. I know that’s weird for a pastor to say. Somewhere along the way to somewhere else, I lost that real sense of joy I used to have. Today was different, and I pray that’s going to be a regular thing again.
  • I don’t share that to whine, but just to lay it out there, and let you know that if you’ve got an extra prayer or two, I won’t try to convince you not to use them on my behalf!
  • I’m teaching through the powerful and practical epistle of James these days. It’s been good to get back to my roots, so to speak. For all the cool, hip, happening, relevant topical preaching out there, there is still something pretty powerful about opening up part of The Book and working through it in a systematic, deliberate way.
  • I want to be both Biblical and unboring.
  • I talked about facing the future this morning. I wondered aloud if I talk a lot about faith and all that, but live like a “practical atheist,” as though God really doesn’t exist and is not a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Ouch!
  • I wondered aloud if I presume on His grace when I assume things about tomorrow that may or may not be true. And yes, I used the great lesson of the word assume: you make one out of U and ME when you do it! Ouch, Number 2!
  • And I wondered aloud if I’m cruising through my life with God’s dream, purpose, and plans percolating on the inside, but not taking shape in my life. I wondered aloud what’s keeping me from fulfilling His plan and purposes. Big OUCH, Number 3!
  • I’m planning on talking about money next week.
  • I’m learning some hard lessons about trusting God to provide in the face of great need these days. At least I hope I’m learning the lessons. I don’t want this process to go on indefinitely!
  • Fasting without praying is just a cruel and joyless diet.
  • Action cures fear.
  • I’ve got at least 3 books in various stages of unread. I need to finish them and find something new.
  • I’m old and tired. That’s reality, but I tend to trot it out as a convenient excuse for not doing something.
  • I love Loreena McKennitt’s Christmas stuff!
  • I’m breaking my own rule and actually rooting for an orange team against another orange team next weekend. Hey, Perry…make sure your Tigers win, OK?
  • BTW, how ’bout them Jackets?!?!?
  • What the heck is a Hokie anyway?
  • There’s way too much math homework going on in here tonight!
  • My couple of hours of free wi-fi is about up, and my rambling has about rambled out.

Make it a great evening!

Sunday Night Unwind, 10.04.09…

Sitting in Starbucks on Hwy. 92 near Trickum Road in Woodstock, reflecting on the day, the weekend, and pretty much the whole week last week. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that I’m entering one of those infamous dark nights of the soul things. So maybe it might not be a great night to reinstitute the Unwind, but here goes…

  • I could have sat at my office and worked, but I needed — no, I wanted! — some Internet connectivity. Isn’t it strange that we want to be “connected,” so we sit — alone — in a coffee shop, surrounded by all kinds of people, that we don’t even know.
  • Yeah, don’t even get started on the glaring fact that even as 2009 is swiftly losing its identity into 2010, we have no Internet at our church office. I said don’t even get started!
  • It absolutely stinks to get old! I don’t recommend it to anybody!
  • But thanks for the birthday greetings last week!
  • I’m not ashamed to say that I’m glad to see my friend Gary Lamb back online on a regular basis. I know there are a lot of folks out there who are looking for any excuse they can find to bash Gary and sit in judgment on him. I love that guy, and yep, I’m pulling for him, big time!
  • There’s a gaggle of giggling Georgia Tech coeds in here right now. Man, they let 12- and 13-year-olds go to college! Amazing! (At least they aren’t some of the earlier-referenced “grazers” from that old Georgia Tech joke: “Why did they change to artificial turf at Georgia Tech’s stadium?”)
  • I came across a random article today about what happens when leaders lose their way. The abstract of the article says there are five perils of the leadership journey, “distinctive destructive behaviors that tend to occur in the hero stage of managers’ early careers: being an impostor, rationalizing, glory seeking, playing the loner and being a shooting star.” I’m wrestling with some of these things at this late-middle stage of my life.
  • Funny…Count Basie’s “Front Burner” is playing on iTunes, and in Starbucks at the same time!
  • 12 0f the 15 people inside Starbucks have their laptops open. Looks like 9 of those 12 are on Twitter right now! That’s funny! (BTW, the other 3 are playing poker. With real cards. Go figure!)

Sunday Night Unwind, 07.26.09…

I went to bed earlier, but was really waiting on The Boy to let me know he made it back to Rome, Georgia, so I really didn’t go to sleep. Now I’m up again, and can’t get sleepy, so here goes a rare Sunday Night Unwind.

  • Today was a hard day at our place. It was the last official day for our Student Minister. Stinkin’ finances got in the way. I told our people that my first thought about Mark was: “I really don’t have time to train an inexperienced youth guy!” Then God  reminded me that somebody took a chance on another inexperienced kid about 28 years ago, and it worked out OK for me! Thanks, Mark and Alison, for some great years in ministry. Thanks for the lives you’ve influenced. Thanks for putting up with me. And thanks for being really good friends!
  • I’m really put out by silly, petty people, who show their butts. I don’t know if they meant to show their butts or not, but the end result is the same…big ol’ ugly butts hangin’ out there. No class!
  • Started re-reading Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala and Encourage Me by Chuck Swindoll. I think I need what both of these men are saying right now.
  • I’m also re-discovering some old new worship by Roger Hodges tonight. I don’t remember how I first found Roger, but I know it’s been a long time since I’ve listened to the three CDs I have. Good stuff!
  • I’ve got a real restlessness in my spirit these days.
  • I’m hungry for something new, fresh, and exciting.
  • I don’t know how to be a friend to a friend who needs a friend right now, and that bugs me. A lot.
  • I really sense that God is nudging me toward a reset of my priorities, a “back-to-basics” emphasis, if you will, in my life and ministry.
  • There’s a lot of clutter in a lot of the areas of my life that needs be cleaned out.
  • I don’t ever want it to be said of me that I am “impressively energetic regarding God”—but that I’m “doing everything exactly backward.”
  • I finished an impromptu mini-series on personal renewal today. I needed it, whether or not anyone else did.
  • I don’t know what’s next for my preaching/teaching. Gotta get that figured out, and quick!

Well, I guess I’ve unloaded enough melancholy for one night. Hope your day has been better, and hope you have a great week! Stay tuned!

Sunday Night Unwind, 05.24.09…

Very eclectic mix for the Unwind tonight: iTunes shuffling through all the music on my computer. No filters, no exclusions, no Genius feature, just the Music Library open and shuffle enabled. I bet that before the night is over, I’ll even break the Labor Day rule. Sue me, it’s my Unwind, and my music! 🙂

So, what’s up in the old Just Charlie world?

  • Happy Birthday to the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie”! She turned, well…a year older today! (Oh, and happy belated birthday to her twin sister. Who turned a year older a day earlier! Nice, huh?)
  • I had intended all kinds of cool birthday things to do, but hardly any of them actually panned out. Originally had planned to go the Atlanta Braves game, but couldn’t find any really great tickets, being as it’s Memorial Day weekend and all. Thought about the Georgia Aquarium. Holiday weekend, again…bunch of folks. Amicalola Falls? Rainy! Fancy Sunday Brunch? Crap, who wants to “dress up” to go eat breakfast, when you could scarf down oatmeal, fruit, and eggs in your underwear? In bed, if you wanted. Forget the brunch.
  • So, how did we spend the momentous occasion? Home Depot, a little playing in the dirt, lunch at our old standby Eye-talian place, and a quick visit with “The Boy.” How’s that for par-tay?!?!?!
  • Meanwhile, it was good to have a day off and just hang with the fam!
  • But wait! Isn’t it Sunday? And aren’t you a pastor? Yep!
  • One of my best buds in the world, Warren Moore, brought it at The ‘Crest this morning! My team – Mark, Alison, and Nick – handled everything. Thanks, y’all! Shoot! Nobody even missed me! Charlie who?!?!
  • BTW, drum corps music just came on the Unwind soundtrack. From pre-DCI days, 1971. Cool!
  • Been in a poetry mood lately. Reading The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: A Poetry Anthology. Good stuff!
  • Wondering about whether the time at the YMCA may be coming to its end. There may be some other opportunities. Just wondering…
  • Had a great time with God early this morning, before the birthday celebration kicked off. Really challenged and encouraged by the story of David, especially this verse.
  • I’ve also been thinking a lot about responsibility, initiative, and discipline for leaders and those who want to be.
  • Tim McGraw’s Let It Go on the Unwind soundtrack. See? I told you it was eclectic and random!
  • Probably heading out to spend a little money tomorrow.
  • Looks like all three vehicles are trying to go kaput at the same time! Not good! Starter for my truck, transmission for the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie’s” car, and well…college student driving for “The Boy’s” car. ‘Nuff said?!?!?
  • Well, that’ll do it for the next month! See y’all later!
  • Oh, and how about some Natasha Bedingfield to close the post? Did you know she sings?!?!?! Good night!

Sunday Night Unwind, 04.19.09…

Unwind soundtrack? Tasty! by Ray Brown and Jimmy Rowles. Just good bass-and-piano stuff. Both of these guys were pretty big influences on Mrs. Elvis Costello, and that’s good enough for me!

UPDATE, 12:09 a.m. April 20, 2009…

I started writing this post and completely lost my train of thought. I saved the draft, and went to bed, lulled immediately into SleepyTown by a rather gentle thundershower. Then after about an hour of good sleep, I was awakened by the phone (my father-in-law) and the severe weather siren less than 150 yards from my house. They were both alerting me to the fact that we were under a tornado warning. That meant I was – and still am – wide awake, thank you very much! So I might as well try to finish the post!

On my mind tonight…

  • The day started out to be one of those days…just couldn’t get on track this morning. Late, late changes to our Sunday program and that’s neither good nor fair to my team. I really, really need to be lots better on that front.
  • Late start to church…got a call that one of our “regular” “friends” (which being translated, means, someone looking for a handout) was looking for me at the church.
  • When I got there – LATE! – the old softy in me took him and got him some gas for a trip. But that threw me even further off my game.
  • Of course, the week-after-Easter crowd was slimmer than the Easter one.
  • Our music started off with “Mighty to Save.” Yessssssssss!
  • Called an audible in the middle of the service, due completely to the aforementioned late, late changes.
  • Started a new series about money. I thought it went pretty well, considering.
  • I asked everyone to take out their checkbooks and calendars at one point during my message. Told them that theywe could look at those two sources of information and see exactly where theirour hearts are. OUCH!
  • Had a good time meeting with a young couple that I’m going to marry in June.
  • I just realized that there are some things I have to be careful of Tweeting and/or blogging.
  • I’ve got some great friends and encouragers!
  • I’ve really got to get focused in my workout/nutrition/etc. areas again. Trying to live on what you did three years ago won’t cut it today!
  • I’m still wide awake and there’s no sleep on the immediate horizon. More rain and thunder, it appears, but alas, no sleep.

Sunday Night Unwind, 04.05.09…

So…THIS is the blog, eh? (Blows off the dust)

Most of the time I do the Twitter thing, but every now and then, I get the urge to put something down that’s a bit over 140 characters. Here’s a rare Sunday Night Unwind for your enjoyment or ignoring or whatever.

  • My day started with a post to the aforementioned Twitter which read: Bigger, uglier true confession time: I hate Sundays right now. There. I said it. Lately, it seems my weeks are pretty good, but I find myself dreading Sundays. Which is pretty not-acceptable since I am the pastor and Sunday comes right regularly, every seven days, just like clockwork. If you’ve got a spare prayer or two, I’d appreciate you investing one in that area on my behalf. Thanks!
  • One of my Y folks surprised me by showing up at our church this morning. As soon as she walked in, I thought: I wish I had something a little better, more profound, more fill-in-the-blank because she’s here. Then it hit me: Why do I worry about having something “better” for her, when I seem perfectly content to offer less-than-my-best to Him? Ouch! Big OUCH!
  • Talked about the cross today. Three things the cross does. Galatians 6. I was especially moved by the way The Message renders that passage. Hope our folks were, too.
  • Oh, and I used my CrackBerry to read The Message translation. From YouVersion! Tech savvy, there, boys!
  • Speaking of CrackBerrys in church, I think we’re going to encourage Twittering during our services. That ought to get some comments!
  • That and a couple of other good ideas from this helpful post over at Church Tech Matters.
  • I’ve been reading a lot about burnout lately. Specifically,  I’ve just finished Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro and Mad Church Disease by Anne Jackson. Both of these books were very helpful and very challenging. I Twittered once while reading Mad Church Disease: Although I never noticed her hanging around, I’m pretty sure @flowerdust was spying on me as she wrote Mad Church Disease.
  • Tonight, I started Henry Cloud and John Townsend’s Boundaries. Seems to be a great and necessary follow-up for some of the burnout/stallout stuff. I’ve already been slapped around a bit by the first few pages.
  • Meanwhile, all is not dreary and gloomy.
  • For instance, tonight I discovered the Inside Eddie’s Attic program on DaveFM. Good stuff that made me want to go check out some live music.
  • Two guys in particular grabbed me on the Eddie’s Attic program: Mike Kinnebrew and Dana Cooper. Got home and downloaded some great stuff from both of these guys!
  • Also, in the middle of a Sunday I started out hating, I was reminded again how much I enjoy the team I get to do church (and life!) with. Nick, Mark, and Alison, you guys rock and you make my day!

Well, there you have it…

Sunday Night Unwind, 02.08.09…

Welcome back, Sunday Night Unwind! Where have you been? This is the first Sunday Night Unwind of 2009. Not that there hasn’t been any Sunday Night Unwinding going on, but just not a lot of posting. So, anyway, without further ado, here we go!

  • I got an earworm for that song on the TomTom radio ads. For the record, that song is “In a Persian Market” and it comes from some album of circus music. Circus music! Shazam!
  • My ability to count is slipping away. I thought we had more people in our service today than the “official” counters counted. Go figure….
  • We’re in the middle of a series called Constant Contact, and we’re focusing on how to listen to God. I think some people are getting uncomfortable with it. Which is good.
  • I was as tired as I’ve ever been after preaching today. I don’t know why. It’s a good tired, but tired nonetheless.
  • My TomTom earworm isn’t the only one I’ve had today! I woke up with The Spinners“It’s a Shame” in my head. That led me to set up a Spinners channel on Pandora. Still haven’t heard “It’s a Shame” yet, but in the process I discovered Slacker Radio.
  • Slacker is cooler than Pandora for one good reason: It plays on my CrackBerry! Yes!
  • Starting a new workout from Turbulence Training tomorrow.
  • It’s a case of “Physician, heal thyself” for me lately. Starting to put back on a little of the weight I lost. Not much, but enough to make me know I’ve got to get re-focused on health. Especially since I spend  the first part of most of my days tying to help folks develop healthy habits.
  • I’m also becoming more convinced of Charlie’s Undeniable Exercise Truth #1: “You can’t ever out-exercise bad nutrition.” I’m no expert personal trainer or anything, I don’t play one on TV, and I didn’t stay in a Holiday Inn last night, but that seems to be so basic that it’s not even funny! And so simple that it seems to be pretty profound! Your mileage may – but probably won’t – vary. Whatever….
  • I’m becoming more and more convinced that this so-called “economic stimulus” is a really crappy idea. The Congressional Budget Office now says it’s not only unnecessary, but probably detrimental in the short- and long- terms.
  • And what is the stinkin’ attraction of socialism, anyway? Quick, name an instance in history where it’s led to a better quality of life, more freedom and liberty, and prosperity. Still waiting….
  • I liked Starbucks a lot better when you never knew what kind of great coffee awaited you until you walked in the door. In the pre-Pike Place days, going to Starbucks was somewhat of an adventure. You got to try different blends, different tastes, and it was good. Now you get Pike Place. Or decaf Pike Place. That tastes like soap. And you might as well be drinking coffee from MickeyD’s, Waffle House, or the Patel Kwik Sack at the corner. Rant off….
  • I still don’t think there’s ever been a better movie than Casablanca. Please, God, don’t let anybody get the bright idea of remaking it!
  • One last thing: Do you hear that sound? The crack of the bat, the pop of a fastball hitting a leather catcher’s mitt, chatter from the dugouts…spring training is almost here! Yea, baseball! here’s hoping the crybabies will just get down to playing this season!

I hope you have a great Sunday evening, whatever’s left of it. Make your week count! It’s the only second full week of February you’re going to get this year! Peace!