A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Unwinds (page 4 of 8)

Sunday Night Unwind, 03.09.08…

I’ve been really digging the Hillsong CD God He Reigns lately. One reviewer said it’s a great blend of the “classic” Hillsong stuff and the newer, younger, hipper United material. Whatever. All I know is it’s been leading me into the presence of God in a big, powerful way.

A couple of notes from this weekend…

  • Gideon this morning.
  • A couple of first-time guests and a couple of returning ones!
  • Pumped about this week. Going to NewSpring for Unleash. Going with Gary and the Revolution crew. Thanks, Gary! It’s been about three years since I’ve been to a conference. I really, really need it! (Other than a new Moleskine, what does one take to a conference these days?)
  • But I’m kind of afraid of what God’s going to do to me on the trip and at the conference. See, He’s been rocking my world in a lot of ways over the last couple of weeks. He’s probably got something bigger in mind. He always does, doesn’t He?
  • The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” is the best wife in the world, hands down!
  • Real change is hard, because it means you’ve got to change personally before you can help your organization/team/whatever change.
  • I challenged our bunch to pray and dream “one size bigger” today.
  • Let’s keep daylight saving time all year around!

4:00 a.m. is going to get here pretty early. See you later…

New Music Monday Night Unwind, 03.03.08…

I’ve gotta tell ya…I’m a sucker for girl singers! And I discovered a new one yesterday on the way home from church!

Bob Edwards was interviewing Tift Merritt on his weekend radio show. She just sounded like loads of fun, and the snippets of her tunes grabbed me. So I’m now her newest fan, and courtesy of iTunes, I’m unwinding with Another Country, Tambourine, and Bramble Rose. Good stuff…

(Oh, did you notice she sings?)

Sunday Night Unwind, 01.20.08…

OK, so I was one of the wimp pastors who canceled our services today. My buddy, Gary Lamb, told me on the phone last night he canceled Revolution’s services today because of his concerns with his setup crews being out and about, dark and early, in unknown conditions. My response was that I was concerned about some of our folks driving in perfect sunny weather, so I sure wasn’t willing to take chance on the possibility of icy roads!

Anyway, a pretty good day around the old Just Charlie hacienda…

  • Went “to church.” More than once. Got to hear and/or watch some of my favorite communicators and their services from recent weeks. Really challenged by Gary’s Confessions series so far. The best worship I’ve never experienced live has to be happening at New Spring. Perry’s messages aren’t too shabby either! Caught a little of Mark Batterson’s leadoff message in the How series.
  • Slept late. Well, if you call 6:15 a.m. “late.” It is around here!
  • Drank coffee. Lots of it…today’s variety? Community New Orleans Blend. Love that chicory!
  • Had some just hanging out time with the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie.” Ate lunch at our favorite little faux French bistro.
  • Read some good stuff.
  • Listened to some good music, some of which I’d never heard before.
  • Still think it’s pretty cool to blog about discovering a band and having one of the band members comment on your post! (Great name, too!)
  • Made a couple of pastoral care calls.
  • Checked in on the NFL playoff games (who cares?)

That’s about how our Snowy Sunday went. How about yours?

Friday Night Unwind, 01.18.08…

Still got The Derailers on my mind, in my ears, and out my speakers! What else is in there, you ask? Well, you didn’t ask, but since I told the woman from the paper today that the main thing I like about blogging is that I don’t have to get anybody else’s permission to write what I think, I can put it down here if I want to! So there!

Sunday Night Unwind, 01.13.08…

Pulled out one of my favorites of the HEAR Music collection, the Artist’s Choice series. Tonight’s Unwind? Music that matters to the lovely Mrs. Elvis Costello. Other stuff that’s on my mind tonight…

  • Pretty good day out at Fusion Church. I really like the opportunity to fill in for Tony and be a little part of all that’s going on in their context.
  • I’ve re-discovered a little passion this week, and that’s good.
  • I know I’ve got to re-order some priorities to live according to that passion, and that may not be so good. Well, it’ll be pretty good, but it won’t be easy.
  • It’s very hard to find good humorous cruise ship jokes/stories.
  • But if you keep your ears open, you just might hear a true one that beats the made-up ones, hands down!
  • The current issue of Men’s Health has some pretty good stuff.
  • Like the “I Can Do That” resolutions for 2008. Example: #4. Every great thing has its Golden Age. Often that age is right now. Live there, not in some glorious past you’re probably misremembering. And #15. There’s nothing that happens after 11:30 p.m. that can’t be replied to or TiVo’d the next day. Hit the pillow for some restorative sleep, then hit the ground running tomorrow, while others are still trying to find their legs (and their Starbucks gift cards).
  • Like the article called “Small talk, big results” which includes this interesting stat: One-quarter of the 1,467 surveyed adults said they had no person in their lives with whom they were intimate enough to discuss “important matters.”
  • Then there’s the article about Douglas Merrill, CIO and VP of engineering for Google, “The World’s Most Organized Man.”