Just Wondering, part dos…
Today, the old MyDoom thing hit my wife’s workplace. After the fact, the “tech person” (you know, the one who gets paid to handle such things?) sent this e-mail across the entire network…
“Everyone is receiving a ton of email � either from people you know or don�t know. If the subject line is not English, or just a bunch of letters that don�t spell anything or you have received an attachment named test.zip, test.bat, text.zip or text.bat simply delete the email and then empty your deleted items.
If you are concerned that you may have a virus � do the following
Click on Start -> All Programs ->Symantec Client Security->Symantec Antivirus Client
Click on Scan Computer on the left side of the screen, then click on Local Disk C: (it will have a check mark)
Click Scan
If the scan completes with no virus found, you are ok. If you have a virus, please contact either {the other tech person} or I.”
I knew about MyDoom. I’m a pastor, not a tech geek. I knew what it was going to do. The tech person apparently wasn’t even sure what was going on until I sent my wife the info on MyDoom. Oh, the instructions they gave for cleaning it didn’t work. In fact, a later e-mail said something to the effect of “please do not go into Norton to try and clean this up.”
I’m not real sure why that whole episode has me thinking…but it does! Go figure!
Oh, yeah…it’s a school!