A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Month: August 2005 (page 3 of 5)

Rule #29…

I like this one…

You can’t polish a sneaker.

In other words, don’t waste effort putting the finishing touches on something that has little substance to begin with.

Rule #26…

Swanson says…

Treat the name of your company as if it were your own.

And this…

After more than three decades with Raytheon, I am proud to admit that I have a love affair with my company. I care about its reputation and its people. I want those who are serving in leadership positions throughout the company to feel the same way; I want everybody in the company to feel that way.

Is that how you feel about your church/family/school/organization?

Is it a place/group/whatever that you’re in love with?

Or is it just another boring paycheck-provider?

If you and I aren’t passionate about it, it’s a good bet no one else will be, either.

Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management…

For a while this spring and summer, the parts of the blogosphere I most frequent were buzzing about the “unwritten rules of management” as put forth by William H. Swanson, chairman and CEO of Raytheon.

And last month, Raytheon began making those rules available to anyone who wanted a copy. Apparently the demand has been high. But you can still get your copy by clicking here.

When I got to the church building this morning, my copy was in the mail. It’s a very attractive grey pocket-sized spiral-bound booklet. Very convenient. Very easy to read. Chock full of good stuff!

My copy is laying on my desk right in front of me, open to Rule #33…

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, an amateur built an ark that survived a flood while a large group of professionals built the Titanic!

This one caught my eye since I used the imagery of the Titanic in my little talk this morning. (I was talking about integrity and not living a “compartmentalized” life.)

Anyway, good stuff. Go sign up for your copy.

Printer Update…

OK, so I went ahead and bit the bullet this afternoon and sprang for the HP Business Inkjet 1200d. It has the individual ink cartridges and print heads, but not the extra higher-capacity paper tray or the built-in network stuff. I happened to get a 15% discount certificate in the mail this afternoon, which brought the price down to the rebated price on HP’s website.

It’s humming away as we speak.

So far, what I like about it…

  • Print quality is really good! It has four settings as opposed to three on the old 990Cse. And “normal” on this one is as good as or maybe better than “best” on the old one. The “fast normal” will be good enough for anything I can foresee doing.
  • Speed is way better than the old one!
  • Setup was a snap – literally!

What I see that I’m not real crazy about right now, but will probably get used to…

  • Size. It’s pretty huge sitting on my desk. I had to do some shuffling around.
  • It’s kind of loud, compared to the gentle whirring of the old one.
  • I don’t think I’m going to be all that crazy about the white color on the top and on the paper tray. Looks like dirty fingerprint haven waiting to happen!

All in all, I think it’s going to be good. Thanks for all the help!

Printer Help, Anyone?

Recently I posted that my trusty HP DeskJet 990Cse printer was on its last leg, and that I need to replace it. I’ve been doing some research. HP has this nifty little feature on their website that purports to help you choose a replacement for your current HP product. I chose the 990 series and here’s what they suggested.

Deskjet 6540 Color Inkjet
This is the printer we just got for the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” to take to her classroom. It’s still in the box at home awaiting the arrival of her notebook from the school district. It’s nice and all, but I’d have to buy the optional duplexer unit to get two-sided printing.

Business Inkjet 1200dtn
This one “jumps up” in class for an inkjet printer. It’s a little more pricey, because it already includes the automatic duplexing feature. Also, it features a different ink-delivery system – four separate cartridges and four separate printheads. Supposedly, this makes it more economical in the long run, because you don’t have to replace everything every time.

Then, I looked at the HP Entry-level Color Laser printers. I’m totally lost when it comes to knowing about these. I like the output of laser, but I’m not sure about the color quality at this level and none of the units in this category have the automatic duplexing feature.

I’m not totally tied to the HP printers, but I’ve had great, great success with all the HPs I’ve had, going way back to the LaserJet 4L, through the DeskJet 895Cse, and the DeskJet 990Cse. If there’s something much better out there, I’d be open to switching.

What say ye? Any suggestions? Bueller? Anyone?

Printer Help, Anyone?

Recently I posted that my trusty HP DeskJet 990Cse printer was on its last leg, and that I need to replace it. I’ve been doing some research. HP has this nifty little feature on their website that purports to help you choose a replacement for your current HP product. I chose the 990 series and here’s what they suggested.

Deskjet 6540 Color Inkjet
This is the printer we just got for the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” to take to her classroom. It’s still in the box at home awaiting the arrival of her notebook from the school district. It’s nice and all, but I’d have to buy the optional duplexer unit to get two-sided printing.

Business Inkjet 1200dtn
This one “jumps up” in class for an inkjet printer. It’s a little more pricey, because it already includes the automatic duplexing feature. Also, it features a different ink-delivery system – four separate cartridges and four separate printheads. Supposedly, this makes it more economical in the long run, because you don’t have to replace everything every time.

Then, I looked at the HP Entry-level Color Laser printers. I’m totally lost when it comes to knowing about these. I like the output of laser, but I’m not sure about the color quality at this level and none of the units in this category have the automatic duplexing feature.

I’m not totally tied to the HP printers, but I’ve had great, great success with all the HPs I’ve had, going way back to the LaserJet 4L, through the DeskJet 895Cse, and the DeskJet 990Cse. If there’s something much better out there, I’d be open to switching.

What say ye? Any suggestions? Bueller? Anyone?

James Woods Speaks His Mind…

He’s talking about why Hollywood movies stink, and right in the middle he comes up with this gem…

You can’t be a heterosexual white guy and be a hero anymore. You’ve gotta be really flawed and really bad and a piece of crap. Otherwise, the marketing department says, “You can’t have white guys be decent people. They’re the enemy. They only put a man on the Moon and wrote ‘Hamlet.’ Why should we let them have any cred?”