A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Culture (page 2 of 5)

The Most Popular Post on My Blog…

For some strange reason, this post from three years ago continues to get the most hits! And over the years, the image that’s supposed to accompany the post has just stopped showing up.

So, tonight, I went back and made sure the image will be there for you folks all over the world who come to these parts looking for things like “mud boggin,” “Foxworthy would be proud,” etc.

Enjoy the image!

One Last Post-Election Post…

…then I’m done. Life is way too short to keep focusing on the negative! Here goes…

  • I think it’s very, very sad – and shows a real lack of character – when politicians who create the division and rancor in the country, try to appeal to unity after they win elections.
  • I think it’s very interesting – and very telling – that the silly political pundits who as recently as this week, told us over and over and over that the economic crisis is all because of George Bush, now suddenly start tamping down the hype and the expectations by saying the President really has very limited effect on the state of the economy. It really must be the world’s “suckiest” job to have to lie with a straight face every day of your life!
  • I think it’s disingenuous and downright dishonest for people who actively sought to paint John McCain as the worst possible candidate for President now try to paint him as an honorable man, blah, blah, blah! They’re lying one of those times…which time?
  • I think it’s laughable that a candidate whose whole spiel was “change” can only find Clinton administration retreads for his administration.
  • I think if the country is really in such economic crisis times, we don’t have the money for lavish Inaugural parties, balls, and other assorted shindigs. Let’s get to work fulfilling all the campaign promises. No time for partying! Shut the heck up and get on with it!
  • I think the sad saga of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens may just illustrate part of the real problem with politics in our country. He’s way past retirement age, and he’s now a convicted felon. Yet, he’s determined to go back to Washington. Whoever said that power corrupts was probably right on the money. I’m not sure the Founders intended for politicians to become a permanent power elite in Washington, DC.
  • I think Oprah has cried and bloviated quite enough, thank you. And not just about this election.
  • I think we don’t need any outsiders to tell us how to vote for our Senator in Georgia over the next month. Stay home and keep your money!
  • I think part of the genius of America is that we can disagree with a person’s ideas and still like them, if we are honest and respectful.
  • I think we have a duty when “our guy” loses to be the “loyal opposition.” “Loyal,” because the “other guy” is now all of “our guy.” And “opposition,” because winning an election still does not make the winner always right. And we have the responsibility to hold our public servants accountable to the people they serve.

All right! That’s it! Thanks for playing! And unless something else stupid comes up about this historic election, that’s all I’ve got to say about that!

One Slightly Bitter Post to Clear Out My System…

Now that this loooooooooonnnnnnnggggg election cycle is finally coming to an end, I’ve got a couple of thoughts and observations. (Note: These are the ponderings of a disappointed, slightly cynical, slightly bitter American. I’ll be OK…just let me process these things a minute.)

  • Funny, how our nation has been in existence over 232 years, and for the most part, the mainstream media is telling us that we have never had a President until this very day!
  • I hope that same media will now be as diligent in telling us how rotten, awful, corrupt, stupid, and whatever negative adjectives you can think of this new administration is as they have been in telling us every single day those things about the current administration. (BTW, I’m not holding my breath!)
  • In fact, I really don’t wish that kind of treatment on anybody. President Bush has not been perfect, but I believe he is a good man, with noble intentions and a fairly reasonable intellect, who has always had the best interests of our nation at heart. President-elect Obama, I believe, is the same kind of man, and I hope no one tries to smear his character like the unprecedented smearing of President Bush’s.
  • I wish all those suddenly-spiritual folks calling for unity behind, support for, and prayers for President-elect Obama will remember they need to be doing the same for President Bush for the next couple of months. (Hmmmm….funny, isn’t it, that they should have been doing that all along, but weren’t.)
  • Funny – not “funny ha-ha”, but funny tragic – comment from an Obama-maniac at the YMCA this morning: “I think it’s wonderful that we elected that nice little ni**er boy to be our President! He’s the best!”
  • Where do I send my change of address forms for my gas bill, mortgage, etc.? After all if we elect Senator Obama, we’ll never have to worry about paying those things again, right?
  • Some change! I paid two cents more for gas this morning, and the stock market is down. Silly me…I thought everything was going to be immediately better?
  • Oh, somebody somewhere in the world is blaming the United States for every problem in the whole wide world. I thought they were supposed to like us now?
  • I’m not really crazy about President-elect Obama, but I sure nothing untoward happens to him. Vice-President-elect Biden scares me a lot!

OK, I think that just about does it…feeling much better now! The sun came up in the east this morning. I had a great workout already, and I’ve got great things to do for the Kingdom of God. Oh, and I’ve prayed for President-elect Obama already.

I’ve got one more post-election post, but it’ll be some time later today!

Speaking of “The Failed Policies of the Past”…

One more sterling example of the failure of socialist liberalism, a concept toward which we’re rushing headlong…Hawaii ends universal child health care program just months after adopting it.

I love this quote, illustrating the tragic law of unintended consequences…

“People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free,” said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. “I don’t believe that was the intent of the program.”

Duh…you think?!?!?

I Wonder…

One of those infamous “dump lists.” Nothing to see here, move along…

  • Warren Buffett says, “Buy American.” I wonder if he thinks it would help if we remembered to vote American, too!
  • I wonder why trying to insure that every vote is a legally cast vote is somehow bad, racist, or whatever other Democrat talking point adjective you choose to insert.
  • I wonder how come the mainstream press “exposed” more about “Joe the Plumber” in two days than they have about The Messiah in two years.
  • I wonder which is more greedy: Wanting to keep the vast majority of what I earn to spend/invest according to my family’s priorities and needs, or wanting to “spread the wealth” to some, in order to fund/promote someone else’s agenda and priorities.
  • I wonder how a tightening in the major polls is somehow an indication that the voters are souring on the underdog candidate.
  • I wonder how many of my friends are voting for the The Messiah based on race. Either racial pride or racial guilt. The pride part I can understand. The guilt part, not so much.
  • I wonder if Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys really registered to vote.
  • I wonder how the United States Supreme Court can actually condone illegal activities in the voter registration process.
  • I wonder, along with the underdog, why, if The Messiah wanted to run against “W”, he didn’t throw his hat in the ring four years ago, when “W” actually could and did stand for re-election.
  • I wonder if we’ll ever, ever see the ascendancy of statesmanship in our political process again.
  • I wonder when the idea of America became such anathema. To Americans, even.
  • I wonder why the purveyors of the tired, sad phrase “failed policies of the past” have such conveniently selective and/or short memories. If there was any such thing as a “failed policy of the past,” surely it is socialist liberalism! Oh, wait…the Soviet Union was a great success. Nazi Germany? Now there’s a role model for you! Oh, and hey! How about that ultra-successful “War on Poverty” from our own 1960s-1970s! How are all those working for you? So let’s try it again!
  • I wonder if the misguided, misinformed callers on the radio really understand that Hitler was, in fact, a liberal ideal, National Socialist, and all that.
  • Oh, and I wonder about that nagging “whistling s” sound that seems to be so prevalent when our candidates speak.

What’s the Deal? And Where’s the Appeal?

I used to love politics. I used to savor the give-and-take of a good, hard-fought campaign. “Back in the day,” it seemed that most campaigns were pretty passionate presentations of differing visions and ideas for solving serious problems.

Lately, though, I’ve become a little more cynical. It seems that all the candidates – and yes, I mean all the candidates! – are only interested in yapping and yakking about how terrible their opponents are, while avoiding any real, positive, tangible vision for the future.

With that in mind, and as a naive “bitter clinger” to what I believe is the greatest political experiment in the history of the world, I’m wondering a couple of things today…

  • What is the appeal for Americans of an encroaching socialism?
  • When did Big Government become The Answer to all our problems?
  • Seriously, now…what is the appeal of Senator Obama, other than “he’s not George Bush”?
  • When did age 47 become “young and fresh”? (Perspective is everything on that one! :))
  • Why can’t won’t people from differing political perspectives treat those with whom they disagree with some decency and respect?
  • Why won’t candidates answer “Yes or No” questions with, well…”Yes” or “No”?
  • Why do you think “your candidate” is The Answer?

I’m just wondering about these and other things this afternoon.

If you can play nice and offer some constructive opinions, you can comment, and maybe, just maybe, we can learn something about ourselves, our nation, and our future. You don’t have to agree with me – or with any of the other two people who read my blog – but you do have to be civil. Passionate? Sure! Informative? Hopefully!

Jump in! I can’t wait to hear from you!

You’ve Gotta Hand It to These “Peace Protesters…”

Obama Democrats Protest Republican Convention

Just saw this story about how these lovely, tolerant, liberal, peace protesters greeted the start of the Republican National Convention in Minnesota.

This quote from the article could have come straight from the platform of “the other guys”…

At a rally preceding the march, speaker after speaker called for ending the war in Iraq and more spending on domestic needs.

So much for the “tolerance” of the enlightened left. (Oh, I guess this bunch will vote for The Messiah come November.)

Is It November Yet?

Crap! It’s only August, and I’m already waaaaaayyyy past tired of the political garbage!

Since the Dims are having their coronation/love fest this week, let’s make some observations about them, shall we? Here we go…

  • Somebody really needs to give these guys a current newspaper. And a copy of the Constitution. See, they think the President is able to run again. No, they think he is running again.
  • I thought it was funny when they showed a picture with the caption and announcement “The Women of the United States Senate.” And The Messiah was standing in the middle of them! (Not sure who that says the most about…himHim or them!)
  • I also thought it was funny that they left out the rest of “The Women of the United States Senate.”
  • Loved the sign from Emily’s List: “When women vote, Democrats win!” Nuff said…
  • They had a bunch of protesters who planned to levitate the Denver Mint Building! What?!?!?!
  • Oh, and The Messiah mentioned last night that heHe was with some family in St. Louis. Except heHe was really in Kansas City. Oops! Oh, well, heHe was in some city in one of the 57 states, and that’s all that counts!
  • Is heHe really smarter than a 5th grader? Seems hisHis daughter had to remind himHim where heHe really was.
  • Sorry…from this point on, I need to remember to capitalize the personal pronouns when referring to The Messiah. I’ll fix that in a minute…
  • Oh, and there was ol’ Kennedy…I know Teddy’s got cancer and all that. I’m truly sorry. Maybe it’ll keep him from behind the wheel these days.
  • It would be really funny – and totally expected – if Missus Clinton were to throw down the gauntlet tonight. How long has it been since there’s actually been a floor fight at one of the major political conventions/productions/lovefests?
  • Well, I’m off to see which jacket they chose for Her Highness to wear along with the black pants…eewwww!