A digital commonplace for a Regular Guy called Charlie Pharis

Category: Unwinds (page 3 of 8)

Sunday Night Unwind, 11.16.08…

It’s been a cold breezy November day here in north Georgia. All in all, a pretty good day in our world. Some of what made it the way it was…

  • Long-distance birthday wishes to my dad. he hit the big 81 today! And he opined that since he hadn’t seen his name in the obituary section of the newspaper, it had been a pretty good day!
  • The day started waaaaay early for a Sunday! Actually, Sunday was just a continuation from Saturday night. The only sleep I got was about an hour’s worth, sitting right here in my desk chair. Why? I don’t know! I was just pretty jacked up about Sunday, I guess!
  • Not too bad a day at The ‘Crest.
  • The Falcons were thaaaaat close!
  • Today’s One Year Bible selections from Psalm 115, Ezekiel 33-34, and Hebrews 13 are still challenging me on leadership. (Obligatory blog-stat-increasing mention of Gary Lamb: I know, I know…so what am I going to about that challenge now?!?!).
  • A rare day in “traditional church” circles: Not a hymnal in sight!
  • Otis Redding was genius, who left us waaaaaay too early!
  • BTW, did I ever tell you about having a class with Otis’ daughter, Karla? Funny story about the day she was absent from our 200-student biology lecture!
  • New goodies around here, music and books!
  • Music? Harry Connick, Jr.’s What a Night! via the best big brother I ever had, Yo-Yo Ma and friends’ Songs of Joy & Peace via Starbucks on iTunes. Waiting for the new Enya Christmas project to be ready for downloading.
  • Books? ESV Study Bible, half-price at LifeWay, and Gordon MacDonald’s Who Stole My Church? The Bible has already been used, and the other one is waiting patiently until I finish the in-process books in my bag right now!
  • Three “Guys’ Essential” movies on TV tonight: The Godfather, The Godfather II, and Braveheart. Leadership lessons abound, except Braveheart was on one of the Spanish language channels. Kind of funny listening to the “fine speech” dubbed en Español!

OK, sorry for the incoherent, irrelevant ramblings. That’s about all I’ve got in the tank tonight! Gotta get up and get going dark and early as usual about five hours and some change from now! Hope your day was great! Hope you’ll make your Monday count…it’s the only one you’ll get this week! See you later!

Sunday Night Unwind, 11.09.08…

Back in the saddle at The ‘Crest today. OK day, something like this…

  • Had a little musical “meltdown” this morning. The worship “leader” botched it pretty bad! 🙂
  • Recovered, though!
  • Pretty excited in my message about “rejoice!”
  • Great afternoon at our favorite little Eye-talian place.
  • During lunch, I got to be Gary’s living, breathing concordance! (No, being his research flunkie/Scripture-finder is not the big possible team addition he’s talking about!)
  • Hey! The Falcons won again!
  • I’m committed to finishing the “currently in progress” books in my bag and on my desk before starting any new ones. And I’m going to try to be a little more disciplined in my reading for a while.
  • “God of This City” is still rocking my world! I like Bluetree’s lyrics better than the Chris Tomlin version. Also Bluetree’s version is “darker” and more “haunting” to me musically. Plus the back story is challenging.
  • The “service engine soon” light is on in the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie’s” car. I hope it’s nothing $eriou$!
  • Good Cal Thomas column, post-election and moving forward.
  • Have you been over to 500uniforms.org and helped my buddy Shaun King make a big difference in one school in Atlanta?
  • Why not?
  • I’m really torn between loving our people and making some wholesale changes for the future. I know that’s not a good place to be, but it’s the “old school” in me, I guess!
  • How do you go about stoking a passion to see your community change?
  • Listening to the first Passion CD, from 1998!
  • Part-time gig at the Y is helping create some “margin” financially, but stress meter is getting pegged more often than not.
  • Some of our Y folks need to read some Patrick Lencioni.
  • Thought I was going to get a new old notebook computer. Turns out it’s going to be $400 to get it up and running correctly. Think I’ll pass.
  • Still seriously thinking about a BlackBerry, though. Probably the Curve. We’ll see…
  • Anyone using the ESV Study Bible yet? What do you think?
  • Laminin.
  • One Year Bible? Today’s readings – Ezekiel 20 and Hebrews 9 – rocked pretty good! Rules, commandments, rituals: just shadows of the real deal, and cannot give life. Jesus, on the other hand IS the real deal, and He gives grace, forgiveness and life!

And with that, I’m out! See y’all dark and early at the Y! Peace!

Sunday Night Unwind, 11.02.08…

I just finished up a pretty hectic weekend, filled with a LOT of driving! So now I’m finally home, and I’m wiped out, but just too jacked up to go to bed! Here are some highlights, thoughts, etc….

  • A trip to south Georgia and back, while not nearly as long as it used to be, is still a killer. TWO of those trips in 72 hours is even worse!
  • Had a great time at my home church today. It was the annual “homecoming” celebration our tribe is famous for (let the reader understand!).
  • I don’t know what a “normal” crowd is like for that church, but it seemed to be a pretty good turnout today.
  • Did you know I have a big brother who can sing? Did you know he’s the best big brother I’ve got? Oh, did you know he’s the only brother – big or otherwise – that I have?
  • Oh, and did you know he did a great job today?
  • It doesn’t take a lot to make my mom and dad happy and proud.
  • I stoleborrowed some a couple of lines from a couple one of my heroes today. (EDIT: I am now giving him props on the blog, but he stole the lines from someone else in the first place!)
  • I used a great Winston Churchill quote.
  • Throw in an Andy Stanley reference and you’ve got it made.
  • Had a cool kid get baptized before the first service this morning. Great touch on the baptism, Bob! Thanks!
  • I talked to that kid during my message in the early service.
  • It’s really tough to remember names of people you haven’t seen in a lot of years. It’s even tougher to admit you can’t remember them from Adam. But in the long run, that’s better than just acting like you really do know who they are when you have no clue!
  • Some people change. Some people never change. Some people really need to change.
  • Did I mention my mom and dad were proud and happy?
  • I think all church guitarists secretly want to bust out a little “Sweet Home Alabama” or “Layla” or “Smoke on the Water” or “Walk This Way” or something!
  • I felt sorry for the kid who obviously lost a bet, and was wearing an ugly, garish, obnoxious FloriDUH Gators t-shirt to church – and looking none too happy about it!
  • The only thing worse than obnoxious redneck UGA fans is even more obnoxious redder-neck FloriDUH Gators fans. Yes, I saw plenty of both on the road this weekend!
  • My wife predicted yesterday that one Florida team would lose and one Georgia team would lose. She was right, but she was wrong!
  • I love listening to Christy Nockels sing “Hosanna.” Perfect for a Sunday night unwind.
  • Oh, last thing…we may have to make a pastoral visit to the Cherokee County jail over noise and a sign ordinance. I’m just saying…

Hope your weekend has been great! Hope you made your momma proud! Hope your team won! Hope you did something great for God! Hope you have a great night! I’ll see you dark and early at the Y in the morning! Peace!

Sunday Night Unwind, 08.03.08…

Long, interesting day today. In case you’re interested – all two of you – it went and is going something like this…

  • The soundtrack for tonight’s Unwind is courtesy of Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis. Love their new CD, Two Men with the Blues! Some reviewer talked about how Willie’s losing it vocally. Maybe, but the blues in his voice is the real deal! (Can I get an Amen?)
  • “The Boy” was home for a surprise visit over the weekend. Always good to spend a little time with him. Even if some of that time was spent in Bass Pro Shop! (Camouflage light switch covers, anyone? Maybe a largemouth bass mailbox? What about a toilet paper roller made out of deer antlers?) And we think Jesus Junk is way out there!
  • Talked about power this morning. Which was especially apropos since many of our people had been without it for about 12 hours!
  • Overheard one of our women say something like…“I was so focused on Charlie’s sermon I forgot to take notes!” Cool. I guess…
  • Had a great opportunity to bless a couple in our church in a very real, specific way. And that was very cool!
  • Lunch. O’Charley’s. Saw about 7 of my Y folks who were paranoid about what they were eating. Too funny! (I guess it’s kind of like when you see your teacher in the grocery store or something like that!)
  • Talked about Barnabas this evening. I think of all the characters in the Bible, I’d like to be like ol’ Barney! Encourager and all that jazz…
  • Mad dash after our evening service to the lake for a farewell party for my Y boss. Pretty low-key affair, about a dozen or so folks. Good food, good fun, lousy Jimmy Buffett/Kenny Chesney wannabe providing the entertainment. (The bottom of the check said, “Live music 3-8 pm Sunday.” One of our Y peeps observed: “It’s after 8, and there hasn’t been any live music since we got here, but that guy keeps on going!”)
  • The shrimp po-boys aren’t quite the same in Cherokee County, Georgia as they are in N’awlins, but they’ll do in a pinch.
  • I just realized that next-to-last bullet point was very un-Barnabas-like. (“Forgive me, Lord, and bless all the pygmies in the Congo!”)
  • Treated Dr. Jerry Vines to Starbucks on the way home. He was just in from Springdale, Arkansas. “Not the end of the world, but you can see it from there,” I opined.
  • While at Starbucks, I watched one of the baristas roll his own smoke. I thought that was a lost art that went out when Moses was just a corporal. Interesting….
  • Finishing up a little reading, then off to bed, because 4 am comes dark and early!
  • Oh, one more thing…our little a/c replacement is only going to be less than $15,000. Notice I said “only.” Lots better than the 19 grand we originally thought it was going to be.

I’m out. See y’all in the morning!

Sunday Night Unwind, 07.27.08…

Slee-py tonight! Been running all weekend…let’s keep this one brief, shall we?

  • The soundtrack for tonight’s Unwind is a mixed bag, all courtesy of Pandora. Switching between Nightnoise, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, and, thanks to a suggestion from my buddy Gary Lamb, Piano Man (including the “title cut” live!)
  • Speaking of Piano Man, Billy Joel’s The Stranger was the first album I bought at the pseudo-socialist, but very cheap co-op in Tallahassee, Florida when I was a freshman in college. Good stuff!
  • I’ve also been digging some Harry Chapin this weekend, especially my favorites, “Mr. Tanner,”“WOLD,” and “30,000 Pounds of Bananas.”
  • A little better crowd this morning. About a quarter of our attendees were guests! Cool!
  • Any message that includes references to Randy Bohlender and Chris Elrod can’t be all bad, right?
  • I got just a tad excited this morning as well. Enough of that!
  • Oh, and we’re spending about $19,000. On freakin’ air conditioners! That stinks!
  • The lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” is back to school officially tomorrow. She’s already been almost every day this past week, but tomorrow she “has” to be there.
  • Came thaaaaat close to going on up to NewSpring yesterday and blowing off the ‘Crest today. We were already in the huge metropolis of Commerce, Georgia, just down I-85 from Anderson. Decided against it. Did I mention that I wasn’t overly impressed with the outlet center in Commerce?
  • Finishing up some reading – Mark – and writing a bit in my Moleskine.

That’s about it! 4:00 a.m. will be here before you know it! Off to bed pretty soon!

Monday Night Unwind, 07.07.08…

Just about to call it quits after a pretty good day. Here’s what’s happened and happening…

  • Got a little Hillsong United playing on Pandora. Third Day’s King of Glory just wrapped up.  David Crowder’s Everything Glorious is on at this very minute. Two of my favorites, especially that Third Day song…it fires me up every time for some reason. Oh, now it’s Hillsong United’s For All Who Are to Come!
  • Did I mention we may have a chick leading some worship for us? And that she’ll be tons better than Darlene However-You-Pronounce-Her-Name at Hillsong?
  • Speaking of Hillsong, did you know that Perry Noble is speaking there later this year? Anderson meets Australia…oh, to be a fly on the wall! 🙂
  • David Foster twittered this great Lou Holtz quote: “The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it.” Wow! And ouch!
  • Personal best in the bench press today.
  • But I couldn’t lift the TV that got fried a couple of weeks ago to take it to the shop! Pretty weak! (No, pretty stinkin’ bulky TV!)
  • Oh, anybody want to pony up for a nice new HDTV? Just wondering…
  • The Message is rocking my world these days. Again.
  • This last cup of Sumatra is super!
  • Writing thank you notes to the VBS team. Writing…you do that with a real pen and real note paper. Then you put real stamps on them. And put them in your real mailbox, so the real mail carrier can pick them up and they get delivered. In a couple of days. And they still seem to have that little extra something in these days of Twitter and email and text messages. Just a thought…your mileage may vary.
  • Feeling real grateful tonight for my buds who are making a impact for the sake of the Kingdom. You guys know who you are, and you know I’m pulling and praying for you! Go get ’em, Tiger!

That’s about it…4 am comes real early in the morning! See y’all later!

Sunday Night Unwind, 06.15.08…

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! Hope you’ve had a great day. Mine was kind of weird, as far as Father’s Days go…

  • Phone call from “The Boy” but this is the first Father’s Day in 22 years I haven’t actually seen him.
  • Started a new series on David at The ‘Crest today. I thought it was going to be a rather easy, kind of summer “filler” series, but God is already kicking my butt!
  • Speaking of David, I might have to pick Gary Lamb’s brain or steal his notebook to get some good ideas for the message series.
  • And also speaking of David, I used a graphic of the face of the famous Michelangelo sculpture. One of my older women (one of only two people in the service who have seen the actual statue in real life…both women!) commented that she hadn’t noticed the intense look on David’s face, because “it wasn’t his face I was looking at!” You’ve gotta love that!
  • In my research this week, I came across the “mid-life crisis David.” Too funny!
  • Figuring most restaurants would be packed for Father’s Day, the lovely and gracious “Mrs. Just Charlie” suggested we just get pizza for lunch. Good plan, good time with her, not so great nutrition.
  • Walked in Heritage Park, and nobody was there! Very strange!
  • One of our ex-church folks (and one of my favorites..hated to see them leave!) is will be in Honduras next week on a medical mission trip. Cool!
  • Nelson Searcy’s Time Management for Busy Pastors is playing right now. Good stuff, and definitely some stuff I need right now!
  • Iced green teasummertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime!
  • Challenged our folks to look toward sort of a “re-launch” in September.
  • New roof on our building looks great! Meeting with another guy tomorrow about some of the inside damage from the tornado. We still have trees down on the campus…gotta get them moved.

That’s about it for now…make the rest of your Father’s Day great!

Sunday Night Unwind, 04.13.08…

I’m going to see this guy Friday night. I really, really like the “new treatments” of old classic timeless hymns. Pretty good stuff for a change of pace – and for a Sunday night unwind. BTW, I’ve got a couple of extra tickets for the Friday evening event…hit me up if you’re interested. (Free with a love offering, you know the drill…)